- it is no secret that these little bugs pose huge threats to yours and your families health. This year promises to be a busy year for ticks. That is why it is even more important than ever that you protect yourself from these pests!
4. Carpenter Ants
- when you have ants of any kind in your home, it can be annoying to say the least. But, carpenter ants pose a unique threat to your home and business. While, unlike the termite, they do not eat wood, they do chew tunnels through it to reach food sources. According to one report, they cause even more damage than termites do- making them a significant pest risk to your St. Charles County, Jefferson County, St. Louis City, or St. Louis County home and business!
3. Mosquitoes
- In the wake of epidemics like the Swine Flu, Zika, St. Louis encephalitis, and West Nile virus, all mosquito borne illnesses, it should be no surprise that mosquitoes are on our list. This little pest loves standing water, and can breed in any neighborhood. If you have a home or business in Missouri, you are at risk for a mosquito infestation!
2. Bedbugs
-found throughout the nation, bedbugs can be spread as easily as going to a hotel and bringing it home through the fabric of a suitcase or clothing. Bedbugs feed on human blood, similar to ticks and mosquitoes, and carry with them disease.
1. Termites
- According to one report, termites caused more than $5 Billion in damages to Missouri homes and businesses. Mud Tubes on exterior walls and discarded wings could be a sign that you may have termites. Each Spring brings what is known as a "termite swarm." This is an annual reproductive cycle where flying termites are often noticed within a home. This threat has also risen as termite populations continue to increase over the last few years, making this pest threat the number one threat to Missouri residents this year!
Think you may have a pest problem with one of the above? Need help identifying a bug problem such as spiders or cockroaches? We can help. Call Buckingham Pest Control
636-274-7400 and get a quote today!